Strong sense of focus on results, driving tasks and projects through to completion with the flexibility to adapt to changing situations.
Integrity and RespectWork with integrity and with respect for people, and for the environments in which we operate responsibility for our actions Commitment to Conveyor Group and Each Other Work in a collaborative manner, creative spirit as we challenge ourselves to develop the business and ourselves
Entrepreneurial Spirit and InitiativeMaintenance our entrepreneurial creative spirit as we challenge ourselves to develop the business and ourselves
How to Use this Business ConductThe Business Conduct clearly sets out our expectations and you should ensure that understand how it applies to you and your work activities. There will be additional regulations, politics and other procedure requirements that you will need to follow and you should ensure that you are aware of these. The Business Conduct cannot describe every possible scenario but it does provide guidance on the various topics. To assist you, key sections are as follows:-
Who does this Business Conduct apply to?The Business Conduct applies to the Board of Directors, all full or part time staff [Employees’] and contract, agency or temporary and controlled joint ventures. Additionally, all third partly contractors, agents, advisors, consultants or other business associates [“Industry Partners”] must follow the principles of this Business Conduct when they work with, or on behalf of us.
In joint ventures where TTL is in control or is the operator then this Business Conduct applies to all of the activities. Where TTL does not have control then best efforts must be taken to influence the operation of the joint venture.
Where you are unclear on any aspect of the Business Conduct or you are unsure of the right action to take in a situation then always seek help. Advice can be obtained from many sources including your line or functional manager, HR representative or local legal advisor.
Personal ResponsibilityAs an Employee of TTL it is your personal responsibility to act in accordance with the requirements set out in this Business Conduct. Please read the Business Conduct carefully and refer it when you are uncertain of the correct action to take. You must understand, promote and apply this Business Conduct to your conduct and work with TTL.
If you suspect or become aware of any violation of the Business Conduct or have concerns that some activities carried out by others may breach the Business Conduct, you should report your concern. If you ignore or condone breaches of the Business Conduct then you are not acting in the best interests of TTL. We welcome and encourage reporting of any concerns you have about TTL activities or practice which are, or appear to be, breach of this Business Conduct.
Those of you who are managers have an additional responsibility to ensure that this Business Conduct is applied to our business and in particular, You must ensure that:
Failure to company with the Business Conduct may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or, in the case of Contract Staff or Industry Partners, cancellation of contract.
Monitoring & AuditThe Group Compliance Manager will oversee the monitoring of the application of this Business Conduct and business units will be subject to periodic audits of compliance. The TTL Compliance Committee will monitor progress and the effectiveness of the compliance programme and will report periodically on the status of implementation and compliance to the Board of Directors.
We company with all applicable local and international laws within the countries where we do business. Where differences exist between the standard of the law or regulations and the requirements of the Business Conduct the higher standard will be applied .Where laws conflict or you are unsure of the correct action to take you should consult with your legal advisor. Senior managers with responsibility for operations in a country must ensure that our business processes are in compliance with the law.
Trading in SharesBuying or selling publicity traded shares where you are aware of “inside” information which is not yet publicity disclosed, or passing such information to others, is called insider trading and is illegal and prohibited by TTL. This applies whether share transaction is made directly or through another person.
Trade Restrictions and Export ControlsSome Countries impose restrictions on exports and business dealings with other countries, entities and individuals. The laws and regulations governing these restrictions are complex and subject to change. If you are responsible for the export or re-export of any items, [including equipment, materials, software or services], you must be aware of these restrictions and ensure they are complied with.
The health and safety of people and the protection of the natural environment in which we operate are critical business considerations for TTL. We apply significant effort in managing out EHS risks and achieving our EHS objectives.
EnvironmentWe work with respect for the environment in which we operate and we identify, assess and manage our environment risks. We set, and seek to achieve, targets that promote the efficient use of resources to reduce and prevent pollution and protect biodiversity. At all times we seek to engage openly and honestly without stakeholders, and particularly with those people affected by operations.
We meet applicable legal standards for all aspects of environmental management and where legal requirements do not exists, or they considered inadequate, we apply responsible standards.
Health and SafetyWe are committed to achieving high standards of health and safety performance as we believe that all accidents, occupational illness and injuries are preventable. Our priority is to ensure that all out people – regardless of where they work or what they do – return home safely and well at the end of every working day.
Health and safety practices are government by EHS policies which apply to all personnel and, in addition, business may create local procedures which you should follow. TTL provides a safe place to work and you have a personal responsibility to ensure that you are competent and appropriately trained to undertake your work activities.
We are committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst out workforce. We treat all of our Employees, whether full time, part time or temporary, fairly and with respect. Decisions related to recruitment selection, development or promotion are based upon merit and must not be influenced by factors such as gender, marital status race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, disability, religion, sexual orientation or age.
You must not:We will maintain the confidential of all Employee personal information. Access to Employee personal information is restricted to TTL Employees who are authorized and who have a business need for that information.
The giving or receiving or bribes of any description, regardless of amount is prohibited. This applies to Employees, Contract Staff or Industry Partners working on our behalf.
Illegal Payments – Bribery and CorruptionTTL conducts its business honestly and transparently and does not seek to exercise improper influence on any individuals or entity. We are subject to domestic and international anti-bribery and corruption laws which target bribes in relation to both commercial entities and public officials.
We do not offer or give, nor request or receive, any bribe of any description or value to obtain or retain business, to reward the improper performance of someone’s duties or for any other purpose. This applies to everyone who works for, or provides services to, TTL.
Although bribes are usually associated with money they can also be disguised in other forms such as the offer of a job an individual or family member, travel, accommodation, use of assets or preferential terms on a product or service. Exercising poor judgment with respect with respect to giving or receiving gifts and hospitality could also result in a breach of the law with serious consequences for individuals and the Company.
Facilitation or ‘Grease’ PaymentsFacilitation or ‘grease payments are small value payments made to public officials to speed up a routine administrative process to which the person is entitled. Example are a payment to expedite the issue of a visa, to obtain an official stamp or signature on a document , to facilitation payments and TTL does not permit such payments to be made either directly or by those who work on our behalf. If you are asked to make a payment then you should refuse and report it to your line manager and email the details to the compliance mailbox [email protected] where it will be treated in confidence. If under exceptional circumstances a facilitation payment is made under duress, such as where your health or safety is at risk, then this should be immediately reported to your line manager and legal advisor.
Gifts and HospitalityBona fide hospitality and promotional or other business expenditure which seeds to improve TTL image, to better present its capability and services or establish cordial relations are recognized as an established and important part of doing business.
Reasonable and proportionate gifts and hospitality for these purposes is not prohibited. However, inappropriate, frequent or lavish gifts or hospitality can result in an actual or perceived conflict of interest, the development of an obligation on the part of the recipient or, could be considered as bribery.
You must not:Note that additional rules apply for gifts and hospitality provided to Foreign Public Officials and you should familiar yourself with these.
Policy summary for gifts and hospitalityWho is a Foreign Public official?
A Foreign Public official includes officials, whether elected or appointed, who hold a legislative, administrative or judicial position of any kind of a country or territory outside the Bangladesh. It also includes any person who performs public functions in any branch of the national, local, or municipal government or who exercises a public function for any public agency or enterprise of such a country or territory.
The above includes Employees of National Oki companies, State owned companies, suppliers or joint ventures, government ministries, immigration, customs and politicians or political candidates.
There are many circumstances where we may incur legitimate expenditure related to foreign public officials. This includes expenditure which seeks to improve TTL image, to better present its capability and services or establish cordial relations.
However, under the UK Bribery Act and many other local and international laws, the offer, promise or giving of any financial or other advantage to a Foreign public official with the inter of obtaining or retaining business is an offence {a bribe} which carries severe penalties for individuals and companies.
You must ensure that any gift, hospitality or other expenditure related to a Foreign public official cannot be considered as a bribe. This applies even under circumstances where there is a contractual requirement to incur expenditure such as the provision of training or technical/operational meetings.
You are expected, and it is your personal responsibility, to use your good judgment. You must ensure that any expenditure on foreign public officials is properly authorized and is transparent, ethical and in compliance with local and international laws, this code of Business conduct and any other policies that have been implemented.
Our Commitment To Corporate ResponsibilityTTL behaves responsibility in all aspects of our business to create an environment that help us to successfully deliver our business plans, continue our growth strategy, and contribute to social and economic development, both within and outside of our core business activities. We call this Creating Shared Prosperity.
Human Rights:TTL supports and respects the protection of internationally recognized human rights. We uphold and promote human rights within our sphere of influence which can include, but is not limited to, employees, contract staff, industry partner and suppliers.
Child Labour:TTL does not use underage, forced or compulsory labour and everybody who works for TTL is expected to be aware of this and abide by this commitment.
Charitable Donation:We support local and community social enterprise projects and education and capacity building initiatives and we also make charitable donations to appropriate and relevent causes.
Political Contributions and Activities:We do not make any political contributions to political candidates, parties, committees or their representatives, and we do not participate in any invention in the political process of any countries.
Accuracy of Accounts & Records:Truthful and accurateinformation, whether financial or non-financial in nature, is essential to support sound business decisions, to meet our legal and regulatory obligations and meet our responsibility to all of our stakeholders. We maintain internal accounting controls and ensure that books, records and accounts reflect accurately, transparently and in sufficiant detail, all transactions in connection with our business.
Note: We just want to practice the above rules. Please forgive us if it is similar like any other company rules.
InsuranceTTL confirms that, if requested by company, TTL will obtain and provide a Bank Guarantee in the format in the Pro-Forma contract, Prior to any award of work.